About Sparsh


On the suggestions and under the able guidance of the learned teachers of the Centre for Business Administration, the students of the centre have formed a guild called Sparsh which primarily focuses on creating a vibrant environment in the campus, channelize their energies towards positive and constructive contributions to the University and in the process imbibe practical insights into the realities of contemporary management practices. The guild does not only provide a platform to share their thoughts and ideas but will also help them to groom their personality. The guild is and will be dedicated to provide the students every possible exposure under its banner.


The objectives and responsibilities of the Guild are mentioned below:

  • Exploring and addressing recent developments in the field of business and economy, global issues etc. having an impact on society.
  •  Creating a forum/platform for encouraging discussion on the emerging issues related to the domain of the Centre.
  • This would act as an information/knowledge sharing instrument with in the Centre or in the university.
  • Student Club is expected to generate different dimensions of thoughts relating to the relevant field of enquiry of the Centre. It would rather reinforce the culture of reading, learning habits with the thrust for knowledge search.
  • It is essentially aimed at igniting young minds to create / contribute value with innovation.
  • Student Guild is conceived to be a knowledge sharing platform where the students will get real life exposure to work in a group.

Current Composition

The Current composition of Sparsh is:

Dr. Taposh Ghoshal, Dean, School of Management Sciences, Ex-officio President of the Guild

Mrs. Pragyan Pushpanjali, Executive Member
Mr. C. Nagapavan, Executive Member
Mr. Mahendra Singh, Executive Member
Mr. Nitesh Bhatia, Executive Member
Mr. Harshad Bajpai, Executive Member

Semester 7

Semester 5

Semester 3*

* Subject to approval from the Dean

Activities Under Sparsh

  • Preparing reports/news on emerging areas of business.
  • Organizing Talk Shows/presentations/seminars/panel discussion on the emerging issues of business and economy, global issues etc. ideally at least once in a month.
  • Organizing lecture series/Conclave in a mutually convenient time.
  • Publishing Annual Report highlighting their achievements and aspirations during the last year.
  • Organizing Inter-Business School competitive events like Debate, Quiz, Business Games, etc with participation of business schools from Ranchi and outside.
  • Add-ons are always welcome.

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