IMBA Syllabus

Consolidated Syllabus

Centre for Business Administration

Central University of Jharkhand

1)   Principles of Management
2)   Micro Economics
3)   Financial Accounting
4)   Fundamentals of Computers
5)   Functional English
6)   Sociology and Business
7)   Business Mathematics

Semester I                                                                                                                 Credits - 03
Principles of Management
Course Content

Management- An Overview:  Definition – Managerial Roles - The Functions of Managers-Planning, Organizing, Staffing; Leading and Controlling. The Levels of Management - Management skills and organizational hierarchy

Evolution of Management Thought:  
Early approaches to Management-Roberts Owen, Charles Babbage, , Andrew Ure and Charles Dupin, Henry Robison Towne; Classical approach: Scientific Management, Administrative Theory, Bureaucratic management - Behavioral approach: Mary Parker Follet, Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, Chris Argyris; Quantitative approach: Management science, Operations Management, Management Information Systems. Modern Approaches to Management: Systems Theory, Contingency Theory, Emerging approaches in management thoughts.

Social Responsibilities of Management: Social Responsibility of Management, Arguments for and against Social Responsibilities of Business, Social Stakeholders: Shareholders, Employees, Customers Creditors, Suppliers and Society and Government.

Fundamentals of Planning: Definitions, – Nature and Significance of Planning – Types of Plans, Planning Process, Pre-requisites for Effective Planning – Limitations of Planning.
Objectives Strategies and Policies: Nature of Objectives, MBO, MBO Process – Benefits and limitations of MBO – making MBO Effective –Nature and Purpose of Strategies and Policies – Strategic Planning, Characteristics and limitations of Strategic Planning

Managerial Decision-making: Decision-making Process- Types of Managerial Decisions – Group Decision-making: Forms of group decision-making, Decision-making Techniques; Significance and Limitations of Rational Decision-making

Fundamentals of Organizing: Definition, Benefits of Organizing; Closed system Vs Open system view of Organization – Formal Vs Informal Organization - Span of management – Prerequisites for Effective Organizing.

Strategic Organization Design: Designing Organizational Structures - Major Structural Alternatives: Functional, Divisional, Hybrid and Matrix – Bases for Departmentation – Choosing the Pattern of Departmentation. Line & Staff Authority and Decentralization:

The Human Factor:
Human Resource Management: An Overview: Human Resource planning: Staffing; Training and Development; Performance Appraisal; Compensation – The Nature of People: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y – Harmonizing Objectives: The Key to Leading.

Motivating Employees for Job Performance: Definitions and Meaning of Motivation, Motivational Tools, Importance of Motivation; Introduction to motivation theories – content and process theories.
Leadership: Definition and Meaning of Leadership, Leadership traits; Leadership for business excellence
Managing Communications:  Definitions, Significance of Communication in organizations, Communication Process, Downward communication; Upward Communication; Cross-wise Communications, Barriers to Communication – Gateways to Effective Communication.

The Control Function: Planning and Controlling, Importance of Controlling, Levels of controlling: Strategic control; Tactical control; Operational control, The Basic Control Process, Requirements for Effective Controls.

The Control Techniques:
Major Control Systems: Managerial Level; Nature of timing- Financial Control: Financial Statements; Ratio Analysis, Budgetary Control: Quality Control, Inventory Control.

Management Information Systems
Management Information: meaning of information: Attributes of information: Information needs of Managers -Components of an information system: Hardware; Software ; People; Data procedures-Types of information Systems: Transaction processing systems; Office Automation systems; Decision support systems; Executive support system- Management Information system: Evolution of MIS.
Authority defined – Power: Bases of Power, Line and Staff Relations: Concepts of Line and Staff; Functional Authority, Line and staff conflict, View point of line managers- view point of staff managers, Avoidance of Line and Staff Conflict - Centralization vs. Decentralization, Delegation of Authority

Text and Reference Books

*                  Essentials of Management: An International Perspective Harold Koontz,    
                   Heinz Weihrich; Tata McGraw-Hill
*                  “Management”, James A F Stoner, R Edward Freeman and Daniel R Gilbert;            Prentice Hall of India
*                  Management : Tasks Responsibilities Practices; Peter F Drucker; Allied
*                  The Practice of management; Peter F Drucker; Butterworth-Heinemann
*                  Management challenges for the 21st century Peter F DruckerHarper Collins
*                  Management, 11/e; Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter; Prentice  
                        Hall Koutsoyiannis A

Semester I                                                                                                                  Credits - 03
Micro Economics
Course Content
Economics: meaning, micro and macro economics, characteristics of wants, human behaviour and scarce resources, Introduction to demand; meaning of demand, the law of Demand, principle of equi- marginal  utility, Consumer behaviour, the indifference curves approach; indifference curve, indifference map, marginal rate of substitution, properties of indifference curve, budget line, Equilibrium of consumer , elasticity of demand; price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of demand, measurement of elasticity of demand, Income effect, income consumption curve, substitution effect, Slutsky substitution effect and price effect, price consumption curve, Consumer surplus; Marshalian concept of consumer surplus, Hicksian four concept of consumer surplus.  Application of differentiation and integration in the measurement of total utility and marginal utility
Meaning of Production function, isoquant, properties of isoquant , marginal rate of technical substitution, elasticity of substitution, Cobb-Douglus production
function, Laws of production; the law of variable proportions in the short run analysis of production, law of return to scale in the long run analysis of production function, technological progress; capital depending technological progress, labour depending technological progress, neutral technical progress, Relation between  Total revenue, Marginal revenue, average revenue and elasticity of demand application of differentiation and integration in the  calculation of  revenue, average revenue

Perfect Competition Market; assumptions, short run equilibrium of the competitive market, long run equilibrium of the competitive market, Monopoly Market ; definition and conditions, short run equilibrium of monopolist, long run equilibrium of monopolist, Price discrimination, Monopolistic Competition Market; character, price and output equilibrium under monopolistic competition market, Oligopoly market; characteristics, kinked demand curve theory of oligopoly,  Natural Monopoly.

Text and Reference Books

*      Ahuja H.L, “Advanced Economics: Theory Microeconomic Analysis, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi. 2010

*      Koutsoyiannis A, “Modern Microeconomics” Macmillan Publishers Ltd. London and Basingstoke. 2010

Semester I                                                                                                                  Credits - 03
Financial Accounting
Course Content

Accounting; The Language of Business (Definition), Accounting: An Information System
Users of Accounting Information, Branches of Accounting, Basic Accounting Terms : Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue, Expenses, Definition of Capital, Types of Businesses: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLCs, Corporations, Guarantee company, Objectives of Financial Accounting , Limitations of Financial Accounting, Accounting and Book Keeping

Financial Accounting Framework
The Basic Accounting Equation, The Concept of Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account, (Transaction Analysis introduction),
Linkage between the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account, The Debit Credit Rules
Dual Entry Accounting vs Single Entry Accounting
Types of accounts and their relevance, Accounting Period and fiscal year, Accrual Basis of Accounting , Double Entry Vs Single Entry – Significance of Debit and Credit in Accounts
Accounting Standards and Conventions:
Money Measurement Concept, Entity Concept, Going Concern Concept, Cost Concept, Dual Aspect Concept, Accrual Concept, Conservatism, Materiality Concept, Consistency concept, Disclosure Concept

The Accounting Cycle
Journal: General Principles, Journal Proper, Purchase Day Book, Sales Day Book, Cash Book, General Ledger, Trial Balance (With focus on recording transactions and analysis), Bank Reconciliation Statement & Cash Book.
Preparation of Trading account: Profit and Loss Account & Balance Sheet of Sole proprietorship business. Introduction to preparation of financial statements of joint stock companies.

Basic Principles of preparing final Accounts
Brief review of Accounting Standards in India(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles etc)
Valuation of Inventories, Events occurring after Balance sheet date, Provisions & Reserves: Provision of Doubtful Accounts, Provision for Depreciation.
Accounting for fixed assets and depreciation, Capital & Revenue expenditure.
Rectification of errors & Adjustment entries.
Departmental Accounting – Branch Accounts – Receipts and Payments Account & Income and Expenditure Account, Accounting for Tax Expense, Deferred Tax Asset and Deferred Tax Liability.

Preparation of Final Financial Statements
Form and Preparation of Income Statement and Statement of Financial Position, Adjustments, Closing Entries,
Statement of Cash Flows, Statement of Stock Holders Equity. Dividend Accounting, Interim Dividend
Balance Sheet as per Schedule VI format – Finalization of Accounts. Forfeiture of Shares, Surrender of Shares,
Issue of Two Classes of Shares, Right Shares, Re-issue of shares, Debentures

Partnership Accounts
Partnership Accounts, Admission of Partner, Retirement of a Partner, Death of a Partner, Dissolution of Partner
Piecemeal Distribution, Amalgamation and sale of Firms.

Shares and Share Capital
Shares, Share Capital, Accounting Entries, Under subscription, Oversubscription, Calls in Advance, Calls in Arrears, Issue of Share at Premium, Issue of Share at Discount.

Text and Reference Books

*      Dr. S. N. Maheshwari, S.K. Maheshwari ((2010), Financial Accounting for BBA, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.  ISBN: 8125934356
*      P.C. Tulsian (2009), Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, New Delhi. ISBN 9788177582284
*      Financial Accounting for Business Managers , Ashish K Bhattacharya (2008), 3rd edition, PHI Learning India Private Limited, New Delhi ISBN: 9788120330139
*      Belverd E Needles and Marian Powers (2010) Financial Accounting, 11/e, Cengage Learning
*      Rajesh Agrawal, R Srinivasan Accounting Made Easy Second Edition  (2011) Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited New Delhi. ISBN: 9780070700987
*      B.K. Bannerjee (2008) Financial Accounting A Dynamic Approach, 3rd edition, PHI Learning India P. Ltd, New Delhi
Semester I                                                                                                                 Credits - 03

Fundamentals of Computers

Course Content

Introduction to computers, generations of computers, processors, memory hierarchy and I/O devices, system and application software, generation of languages, compiler, interpreter, assembler, Number systems, computer arithmetic Flow charting, sequential, branching, iterative
Introduction to ‘C’  as programming language; An overview of ‘C’  Programme, ‘C’  Character set, ‘C’  tokens, ‘C’ Key words, Data Types (Primary, derived & user defined), storage classes, symbolic constants, operators (arithmetic, logical and relations) flow of control (If-else, switch case, while, do-while & for-loops)

Functions (UDF, String functions, Mathematical function)
Recursion, pointers, array (2-D, 3-D), strings, pre-processor directives, structures, linked list file handling
Unit IV: C Lab
Execution of simple program
Conditional and Un-conditional branching
Functions (Iterative & Recursive)
Arrays (2-D & 3-D)
Linked Lists
File I/O

Text and Reference Books

*      B W Kernighan, DM Ritche – The C Programming language, PHI
YP Kanetkar – Let us C, BPB Publications

*      E. Balaguruswamy – Programming in ANSI C – 4e,
Publication - TMH

*      Fundamentals of Computers – PK Sinha

Semester I                                                                                                       Credits - 03

Communicative English

Course Content
Tense, Voice, Participle, Infinitive, Gerund, Countables and uncountables, Adverb order, Prepositions, Usage of too and enough, some and any, no and not any, Model verbs, Question Tags, Causative verbs, Conditions and Unreal Past

Reading and Writing Skills:
Official Letters
Writing Essays


Text and Reference Books

*      Nesfield’s Grammar

Semester I                                                                                                       Credits - 03

Sociology and Business

Course Content
Meaning of Sociology, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology, Industry and sociology, Development of Industrial Sociology.
Rise and Development of Industry : Early Industrialism – Types of Productive Systems -The Manorial or Feudal system
The guild system – The domestic or putting-out
system – and the factory system – Characteristics of the factory system – causes and Consequences of industrialization

Industrialization in India.  Industrial Policy Resolutions – 1956. Contemporary Issues: Changing Concept of Work and Labour, Migration of Labour: Local, Regional and Transnational. migration of labour  , Industrial Disputes : courses, strikes & lockouts, Industrial Relations Machinery, Labour courts & Industrial Tribunals, Code of Discipline,  Standing order.

Text and Reference Books

*       Gisbert Pascal, Fundamentals of Industrial sociology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
*      Watson, Tony: Sociology, Work and Industry, London; Routledge and Kegan Paul,
*      Schneider Engno V., Industrial Sociology, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.,
*      Mamoria C.B. And Mamoria S., Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India.
*      Sinha G.P. and P.R.N. Sinha, Industrial Relations and Labour Legislations, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.

Subjects –
1)    Principles of  Marketing I
2)    Macro Economics
3)    Statistics for Managers
4)    Financial Management
5)    Environmental Studies
6)    Business Communication
7)    Behavioral Sciences

Semester II                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Principles of Marketing i
Course Content

|Understanding Marketing, Evolution of Marketing as a distinct management discipline, Role of Marketing in today’s organization, Philosophies of Marketing

Core Marketing Concepts - Human Needs & Wants, Products or Offering, Meaning of Market, Marketing. Marketing vs. Sales, Marketing Management, Exchange and Transactions, Relationships and Networks, Competition

New Marketing Realities – Major Societal Forces, New Consumer Capabilities, New Company capabilities

Company Orientation Towards the Marketplace – Production Concept, Product Concept, Selling Concept, Marketing Concept, Holistic Marketing Concept

Understanding Consumer markets and buying behaviour; Understanding Organizational Markets and buying behaviour.

Marketing Mix – Products and Services

Product Life Cycle Strategies

Market segmentation, targeting and positioning

Text and Reference Books

*      Kotler, P. Marketing Management. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

*      Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S., Marketing Management, Planning and Control. Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.

*      Kumar, A. and Meenakshi, N., Marketing Management. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

*      Bose Biplab, Marketing Management. Himalaya Publishing House HPH

Semester II                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Macro Economics
Course Content

Macroeconomics: concept and nature, scope and importance of    Macroeconomics, Limitations, Difference between Micro economics & Macro economics.

 National Income accounting: concept, methods of measuring national income, Importance and its limitations, Economic Welfare: Relation between economic welfare and national income; National income as a measure of economic welfare.

 Classical theory of employment, Keynesian theory of employment: An Epitome, Unemployment and Full Employment

Theories of Interest: classical theory, Keynes Preference theory of interest and modern theory of Interest.

Money:  Nature and function, Demand and supply of money, Credit creation by Commercial Bank, Central Bank: Function and credit control,

Balance of Payment: Meaning and components. Inflation & deflation.

Text and Reference Books

*      Jhingan M. L. – Macro Economic Theory: Vrinda Publications, New Delhi.

*      Gupta S.B. – Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.

*      Ahuja H.L. – Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New

*      Shapiro E. – Macro Economic Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi

*       J. Harvey and H. Johnson – Introduction to Macro Economics

*       D. N. Dwivedi – Macro Economics – Tata McGrew Hill, New Delhi-2006

*       Samuelson, Nordhaus – Economics, Tata McGraw Hill

Semester II                                                                                                                Credits - 03

Statistics for Managers
Course Content
Introduction, Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Importance, Limitations and Distrust of statistics; collection of data: Primary and Secondary, Methods of collection,

Advantage & Disadvantage, Classification of data, Tabulation of Data; types, Frequency Distributions, cumulative Frequency Distribution, Graphs; Characteristics of a

Graph: Histogram ,Frequency, Polygon, Diagram; Multiple bar, Pie, Subdivided bar.

Measures of Central Tendency: Meaning and Definition; Types of Average, Median, Mode, Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean, Combined mean for (Grouped & Ungrouped data), Advantages and Disadvantages of these.
Measures of Dispersion; Absolute and relative measures of dispersion, rang, Mean deviation and

Standard deviation, Quartile deviation and Coefficient of Quartile deviation.

Measures of Correlation: Meaning, Definition, Significance, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation,
Rank method, Measures of Regression: Meaning,

Definition, Significance, Difference between Correlation and Regression; Regression coefficient & their application. Analysis of time series:

Meaning, Need, Moving average method & least square method.

Text and Reference Books

*                  S.C. Gupta – Fundamentals of Statistics - Sultan chand & Sons, Delhi.

*                  D.N. Elhance – Fundamentals of Statistics – Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.

*                  Statistics for Management, Beri, TMH

*                  Basic Statistics, B. L. Agarwal, New Age International.

Semester II                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Financial Management – i
Course Content
Finance and its functions, Objectives and scope of financial management, Shareholders’ Wealth maximization objectives, Agency Problem

Financial Systems: India and the world
Capital Markets Efficiency, Financial Markets in India, Participants: Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Investment Institutions, Regulatory Authorities, Comparison with world markets

Time value of money
Practical application of Compounding, Annuity, Present Value, Future Value, Effective rate  of Interest, Present Value of  Annuity

Capital Expenditure Decisions
Process of Capital Budgeting, Basic Principles of Cost and Benefits, Appraisal Criteria
Payback Period, Discounted Pay Back Period, Average Rate of Return, Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
Basic Ratio Analysis
Profitability Ratios, ROE, ROI, EPS, Dupont Analysis

Valuation of Bonds and Shares
Concept of Value, Yield to Maturity, Bond Values and Interest Rate , Introduction to Equity Valuation, P/E Ratio

Capital Structure
Introduction , Leverage Analysis , Net Income Approach , Net Operating Income Approach
Traditional Position, MM Position

Source of Long Term Finance
Equity Capital, Term Loans , Debentures , Internal Accruals

Working Capital Management
Introduction , Cash Management , Credit Management , Inventory Management , Working Capital Financing

Text and Reference Books

*      Prasanna Chandra (2010) Financial Management published in New Delhi by Tata McGraw Hill.

*      I.M. Pandey (2010) Financial Management, published in Noida  by Vikas Publishing House. ISBN 9788125937142

*      Khan & Jain (20010) Financial Management, published in New Delhi by McGraw Hill Publications 

*      Howells and Bain, Financial Markets and Institutions

*      Van Horne, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Prentice Hall.

Semester II                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Business Communication
Course Content
Introduction to Business communication: Meaning, Importance & Objectives - Principles of Communication, forms of communication, Communication Process, Barriers of effective communication, Techniques of effective communication.

Nonverbal communication: Body Language, Gestures, Postures, Facial Expressions, Dress codes. The Cross Cultural Dimensions of Business Communication. Listening & Speaking, techniques of electing response, probing questions, Observation; Business and social etiquettes

Managerial speeches: Principles of Effective Speech & Presentations. Technical & Non-technical presentations; Speech of introduction - speech of thanks – Speeches for specific occasions - Theme speech; Design and Use of audio visual aids; Analyzing the audience; Non-verbal dimensions of presentation

Interview Techniques: Mastering the art of conducting and giving interviews, Placement interviews - discipline interviews - appraisal interviews – exit interviews – interviewing to elicit information for decision making

Group communication: Group Decision making- Importance, Meetings - notice, agenda, minutes, opening the meeting, conducting the meeting, concluding the meeting, follow-up;  group discussions;  Videoconferencing.
Managerial writing
Business letters: Inquiries, Circulars, Quotations, Orders, Acknowledgments, Complaints, Claims & adjustments, Collection letter, Banking correspondence, Agency correspondence, Bad news and persuading letters, Sales letters

Writing for Employment: Bio-data, Resume, Curriculum Vitae, Job application letters, Covering Letter, Interview Letters, Letter of Reference

On the Job writings:
Memos: Types of memos; request memo; confirmation memo; periodic report memo; informal study results memo; memos about unpleasant; persuasive memos

Reports: Types of Business Reports - Format, Choice of vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, paragraph writing, organization reports by individual, Report by committee.

Text and Reference Books

*                  Lesikar, R.V. & Flatley, M.E. Business Communication. 11e Tata 
                  McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

*                  Aruna Koneru. Professional Communication, Tata McGraw Hill  
             Publishing Company Ltd

*                  Locker K.O. & Kaczmarek SK.  Business Communication. Tata McGraw
            Hill Publishing Company Ltd

*                  Lehman. Business Communication Cengage Learning

Semester II                                                                                                                Credits - 03

Behavioural Science
Course Content
Behavioural science – definition, meaning of the term behaviour, Scope of BS

Methods of behavioural sciences

Physiological basis of behaviour                                   

Motivational aspects of behaviour- What is motivation?

Theories of motivation (Maslow, McClelland, McGregor, Herzberg, Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adam’s equity theory )

Emotional aspects of behaviour

Values, attitudes and beliefs
Perception and illusion –perception :meaning and nature, process, perceptual organisation, perceptual constancy, perceptual illusion
Perception  and behaviour

Learning-  meaning and nature, Learning curve_ types of learning curves, Types of learning, Laws of learning, Reinforcement, factors affecting learning

Thinking – nature, elements of thought, Types of thinking, stages of creative thinking,  Conceps, Reasoning, Problem solving

Environmental determinants of Behaviour and Process of Socialisation.

Text and Reference Books

*      Introduction to behavioral science for business, Kolasa, Blair J, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1969
*      Psychology by S K Mangal, Sterling Publication,

*      Fred Luthans, “Organisational Behaviour”,

*      Stephen Robbins, “OrganisationalBehaviour”

1)    Principles of marketing I
2)    Indian Economy
3)    Quantitative Techniques
4)    Management Accounting
5)    Management Information Systems
6)    Business Law
7)    Organizational Behavior

Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03
Business Law
Course Content
1.       Nature meaning & significance of Law. Society State & Rule of Law, Sources of Business Legislation
2.      Indian Contract Act, 1872
i.         Basic concept of a) Valid Concept b) Void, Voidable and Illegel Agreements c) Quasi Concept
ii.       Offer and Acceptance
iii.     Consideration
iv.     Capacity of the Parties to Contract
v.       Free Consent- Coercion , Undue Influence , Misrepresentation , Fraud and Mistake
vi.     Legality of Object and Consideration(Basic Rules)
vii.   Performance of Contract (Basic Rules)
viii. Breach of Contract- Remedies, Damages
ix.     Concepts of Contingent Contract, Agency, Bailment and Pledge, Indemnity and Guarantee
Practical Assignment : ICA, 1872; ‘Mock court’/ Role play exercises

3.      Sale of Goods Act, 1930Formation of Contracts of Sale- Goods and their Classification- Conditions and Warranties – Caveat Emptor- Transfer of Property in Goods- Performance of the Contract of Sales- Unpaid seller and his rights- Remedies for breach of contract of Sale of Goods. 

4.      Company Law
Origin of companies Act 1956;
Definition of company; Essential features of company; statutory Company.  Registered Company , Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company. Definitions of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association ; Alteration of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association; Doctrine of indoor management.

Prospectus- Definition, Contents, Misstatements in the prospectus, Statement in lieu of prospectus.
Promotion and Incorporation of Company; Steps involved in Formation Procedure for Registration and Incorporation; Certificate of Incorporation;

Commencement of Business; Promoters’ Liabilities.
Capital- Shares and Debentures; Equity Preference shares, Rights and Bonus shares; Shares Certificates; Share Warrant; Reserve Capital; Debenture-Classification .

Directors- Definition ; Mode of Appointment; Retirement, Registration, Removal and Remuneration of Dissectors, Power of the Board, Legal Position,

Power and Liabilities of Dissectors; Managing Director, whole-time Director; Executive Committee. Company Meeting; Kinds of Meeting- Statutory

Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Extra Ordinary General meeting; Rules reading meeting; Notice ; Quorum; Voting; Resolution; Minutes.

Text and Reference Books

N.D.Kapoor – Commercial Law  Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

R.S.N. Pillai and Bagavathi  – Business Law S.Chand & Co, NewDelhi.

N.D. Kapoor – Company Law   Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

M.C. Shukla - Commercial Law  Sultan Chand &  Sons, New Delhi.

M.C. Shukla and S.S.Ghulsan  – Principles of Company Law.
Business Legislation for Management- M.C. Kuchhal

Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03
Management Accounting
Course Content
Major types of Accounting:  1) Financial Accounting 2) Cost Accounting 3) Management Accounting.
Management Accounting: Definition, Need, Process, Objectives, Scope, Functions, Tools of Management Accounting, Benefits/Importance, Limitations.
Cost Accounting: Definition of cost and cost accounting. History of management and cost accounting, Role of a controller/comptroller.
Distinction between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, Distinction between Cost Accounting and Management Accounting.

Financial Statement and Ratio Analysis- Introduction
Methods of Analysis: Comparative Statements, Common Size Statement , Trend Ratios (Horizontal Analysis),
Fund Flow Statement: Definition

Ratio Analysis:
Meaning of Ratio, Necessity and Advantages of Ratio Analysis, Interpretation of Ratios
Types of Ratio:
i) According to the nature of items
    a) Balance Sheet Ratios
    b) Revenue Statements or Profit and Loss Account Ratios: c) Inter Statement or Composite Ratios

ii) Functional Classification:  a) Liquidity Ratios, b) Leverage Ratios
  c) Activity Ratios, d) Profitability Ratios
 Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement
Fund Flow Statements : Meaning and concept of fund – Current and Non- Current Accounts – Flow of Fund –Preparation of Fund flow statements – uses and Significance
Cash Flow Statement : Difference between fund flow statement and cash flow
statements – Preparation of cash flow statements as per AS-3 Norms – Direct and
Indirect methods.(Stress on problems)
Working Capital, Meaning, Objectives and Importance, Factors affecting requirements, Sources of Working Capital, Computation of Working Capital.

Costs and their types, Definition and examples of Direct/Indirect , Overheads,  Fixed/Variable/Semi Variable, Marginal Cost, Standard Cost, Opportunity cost et al.

Managerial decision making with the help of C.V.P. Analysis : Marginal Costing- Contribution, P/V ratio, Break Even Analysis – Algebraic
and Graphic presentation – Decision making: Fixation of Selling Price – Introduction only

Budget and Budgetary Control
Meaning of Budget and Budgetary Control, Definition,
Nature of Budget and Budgetary Control, Objective of Budget and Budgetary Control, Limitations of Budget and Budgetary Control, Steps in Budgetary Control

Types/classification of Budgets
According to Time
    i) Short Term/  ii) Long Term

According to Flexibility
    i) Flexible/ ii) Fixed

Responsibility Accounting –Concept – Significance – Responsibility centers- Activity
Based Costing – (General outline only)

Text and Reference Books

*      M Y Khan and P K Jain, (2009)  Management Accounting, Text, Problems and Cases  5/e  McGraw Hill New Delhi
*      Shashi K. Gupta and R. K. Sharma (2009) Management Accounting, Principles and Practice, 11th Revised edition, Kalyani Publishers New Delhi
*      Charles T. Horngren, Gary L Sundem, William O. Stratton, Jeff Schatzberg (2009)  Introduction to Management Accounting, 14/e (Indian edition), published in New Delh i (Pearson Education Inc and Dorling Kindersley India Pvt Limited.)

*      B Bannerjee Financial Policy and Management Accounting 8th Edition  (2010) PHI New Delhi

*      Dr. S.N. Maheshwari ,Cost and Management Accounting , S Chand and Sons. New Delhi
Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03
Management Information Systems
Course Content
Introduction to Information Systems
Meaning and Role of Management Information Systems, System Approach, The Systems View of Business, Characteristics of an Open System, Information and the Systems Approach, Attributes of Information, Manual Information System, Types of Information Systems, Components of

Management Information systems, Role of Information in Management problem solving, Evolution of an Information System
Management Information Systems
Office Automation Systems, Transaction

Processing Systems, Management Information Systems,  Organizational Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Support Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Computer Hardware: Evolution of Computers, Moore’s Law, Introduction to Computer Architecture, Introduction to Communications Architecture, Input, Output and Storage Devices, Processors, Multimedia, Personal Computing Devices, Networks

Software: System software, Application software
Communication Infrastructure: Protocols for Communication, Packets, Network Types – LAN, WAN, Internet, VPN, Convergence of Computing and Communication

People: Information Specialists, End-User Computing, Users as an Information Resource, Careers in Information systems, Office Automation, Virtual Office

Managing Information and Data
Concept of Data and Information, Knowledge, Wisdom; Database Management, Objectives of a DBMS, Data Organization, Database Structures,

Creating a database, Using a database, People managing database – Database administration, database programmer, end user, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, Data warehousing, Data Mining

Planning, Design and Implementation of MIS
System Development: The systems approach, System Development Life Cycle, Traditional SDLC, Prototyping, Rapid Application Development, Business Process Redesign, System Development Tools, Process Modeling

Information Security: Organization needs for security and control, information security management, types of threats, risk management, information security policy, technical controls, formal and informal controls, industry certification, Business Continuity Management

Decision Support Systems
Decision Making,  problem solving and decision making, problem solving phases, problem solving frameworks, the systems approach, Systems view, types of decisions, DSS models, Mathematical modeling, Types, Uses, Classes, Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Decision Making and MIS, MIS as a Technique for Making Programmed

Decisions, Decision-Assisting Information Systems; Herbert Simon Model of Decision Making

Text and Reference Books
*      Raymond McLeod, Schell, George P; Management Information Systems, 10e, PHI
*      Robert G. Murdock, Ross, James R. Claggett, Information Systems for Modern Management, PHI
*      James O’ Brien, Introduction to Information systems, 8e, Galgotia
*      Gordon B Davis & Margrethe H Olson, Management Information Systems, TMH

Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Organizational Behaviour
Course Content
Understanding OB
Goals of OB, Fundamental Concepts of OB, Features of OB

Understanding Individuals
Perception and Attribution, Defining Perception, Elements of Perception, Attribution theory in Social Perception, Factors Limiting the  Accuracy of Perception and Attribution

 Understanding Motivation
Meaning and definition, Inferring Motivation from Behaviour, Major Need Theories, Process Theories of Motivation, Work Motivation, Need Pattern in India, Factors affecting Work Motivation within Work Organisations in India

Understanding Groups
– Thresholds of Interpersonal Behaviour, The behavior and skills approach to Interpersonal Relationships, Interpersonal Relationships and Management of Boundaries, Role of Threat and Trust Formation in Interpersonal Relationships, Interpersonal Styles – Firob2, Transactional styles in Interpersonal Relationships
Understanding Groups and Teams
What are Groups and how are they formed, - Synergies of Group Working – Group Process gains and Losses and their contributors

Roles in Groups – member dispositional and functional roles, Factors affecting Group effectiveness, Teams ,types and how to make teams effective

Managing Conflicts and Negotiations
Understanding Conflict, Meaning and Causes, Sources of Conflict at various levels, Styles of handling Interpersonal Conflict

Negotiation – meaning, elements and factors affecting it, Integrating Conflict and negotiations from the Gandhian   perspective

 Understanding Power and Organizational Politics
Power – Meaning and Definition, Nature of Power
Bases of Power, Politics – Using Power and Politics

Text and Reference Books

*      Robbins, S P Sanghi,S. Organizational Behaviour(latest edition). Delhi: Pearson Education.

*      Luthans,F.(2001). Organizational Behaviour,( latest edition), New Delhi: McGraw Hill Irwin

*      K. Ashwathapa, Organizational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing

*      Management of Organisation Behaviour- Hershey & Blanchard

*      Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at Work- McGraw Hill Publication

*      Newstrom ,Organizational Behaviour- McGraw Hill Publication

Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Quantitative Techniques
Course Content

Introduction to Quantitative Analysis and its application in Decision Making, Preliminary Mathematics and Statistics.

Correlation, Regression, Time Series Analysis, Testing-Chi Square, Large and small sample test.

Probability Theory, Transportation Problems, Association of Attributes, Binomial and Poisson Distribution.

Text and Reference Books

*      N D Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Mathematics, Tata Mcgraw- Hill

*      Gupta, S.P., and Gupta, M.P., (1997), Business Statistics, Sultan Chand, New Delhi

*      P.N. Arora, S. Arora, Statistics for Management, S. Chand

*      Sharma, J.K. (2001), Fundamentals of Operations Research, Macmillan, New Delhi

Semester III                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Principles of Marketing ii
Course Content

New Product Development Strategies

Integrated Marketing Communication; Role of Marketing Communications, Marketing Communication Mix, Advertising decisions, Creating Brand Equity, Crafting the Brand Positioning, Promotional Mix, Deciding the Marketing Communication Mix

Product decisions: Concept of Product, Product Hierarchy, Product-Mix Decisions – Width, Depth and Consistency of the Product Mix, Product Line Decision, Product Line Analysis, Product-Line Length, Line-Stretching Decision, Branding Decision, Brand Repositioning Decisions, Customer Service Decisions.

Pricing Decisions: Setting Prices, Pricing Objectives, Pricing policies and Constraints, Pricing Procedures, Initiating Price Changes, Responding to Price Changes, Pricing the Product Line

Developing Marketing Strategies: Ansoff’s Product Market Grid, Porter’s Generic Strategies, Strategies from Al Ries & Jack Trout.

Marketing Channel Decisions: Nature of Marketing Channels- Number, Types, Use of Middlemen, Channel Functions)Channel Dynamics, Horizontal vs. Vertical Marketing Channels, Channel Cooperation, Conflict and Competition, Channel Design decisions, Channel Management and Modification Decisions.

Physical Distribution Decisions: Scope of Physical Distribution, Physical Distribution Objective, Physical Distribution Strategies, Inventory Decisions, Location Decisions, Organizational Responsibility for Physical Distribution

Sales Force Decisions: Sales Force Tasks and Objectives, Sales Force Size, Sales Force Design, Recruiting and Selecting Sales Force, Sales Force Training, Compensating Salesmen, Supervising, Motivating and Evaluating Sales Force.

Marketing Research: Marketing Research System, Procedure, Characteristics of Good Marketing Research, Design and Applications of an Effective Marketing Research Framework.

Text and Reference Books

*      Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing Management. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

*      Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. - Marketing Management, Planning and Control. Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.

Semester IV
1)      Production and Operations Management
2)      Business Environment
3)      Research Methodology
4)      Project Management
5)      RDBMS
6)      Interpersonal Skills and working in teams
7)      Human resource management

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Production and Operations Management

Course Content

Nature and scope of production management, production analysis, objective and functions of production management, types of manufacturing processes and plant layout, plant location, plant size, assembly line balancing. Production Planning and Control (PPC), project management, scheduling and assembly line balancing.

Materials managements – its scope and importance. Purchasing function and procedure, material requirement planning

Inventory control, relevant costs, economic lot size, reordering point, ABC analysis and other classifications of materials, stores management

Productivity – definition and concept, factors affecting productivity, productivity measurement, productivity improvements, business process reengineering, benchmarking, Product development and design, maintenance of production facilities, quality management, advanced techniques for production management.

Text and Reference Books

*       Production and Operations Management, by S.N. Chary, Tata McGraw Hill.

*       Operations Management for competitive advantages by Richard B.Chase, Tata McGraw Hill

*      Production and operations management by Everett E. Adam, Ronald J. Ebert, Prentice Hall of India.

*      Operations Management, by Gaither & Fraizer, Thomson South Western.

*      Production and operations management, by P. Ramamurthy. New Age Publication

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03
Business Environment
Course Content

Business Environment – types of environment– environmental analysis and strategic management – classification of industries – goals of business – environmental analysis and forecasting – techniques for environmental analysis;

 Economic Environment – Nature of economy – structure – economic policies – economic conditions - Capitalistic, Socialistic & Mixed Economy; Industrial Policy;

Political, Legal and Regulatory Environment; Technological Environment; Natural Environment

Social and Cultural Environment: Societal Environment; Social
Responsibility of Business; Consumer Rights

Demographic Environment;  Labor Environment; Labor Laws – Trade Unions; Quality Circles; Introduction to International Business Environment – GATT and WTO; IPR, TRIPS, TRIMS, Globalization – Liberalization – Privatization–  Role of MNCs in India – Flow of foreign Capital

Text and Reference Books
*      Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment – Text and Cases, Himalayan Publishers House

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Research Methodology
Course Content

Overview of Research Methodology
Setting up a Research Project
Case Studies As A Methodological Strategy
Surveys As A Methodological Strategy
Experiments As A Methodological Strategy
Action Research As A Methodological 

Interview Method
Questionnaire Method
Observational Method
Documentary Sources

Concept of Level of Measurement
Analyzing Quantitative Data
Analysing Qualitative Data
Writing about Research

Text and Reference Books
*      Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques
By- R C Kothari
New Delhi

*      Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers in Management & Social Sciences
By – Taylor, Sinha and Ghoshal
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits – 03

Project Management
Course Content
Project – Definition, Characteristics, Types
Project Management, Major Forces, Affecting Project Management, Trends in Project Management, The Project Life Cycle

{Project Initiation}
Strategic Project Selection and Idea Generation, Idea Generation Tools (Outline only), Selection and Criteria of Choice
Project Selection Models, Monitoring the environment, Tools, Project Rating Index

Project Management Soft Skills, Negotiation, Scope Changes, Conflict Management

The Organization and Project Management
Pure Project Organization, The Matrix Organization, Choosing an organizational form

Project Planning}
Market and Demand Analysis, Situational Analysis , Market Survey, Demand Forecasting, Marketing Plan

Technical Analysis
Manufacturing Process/Technology, Product Mix, Plant, Location, Machineries
Financial Analysis
Cost of Project, Means of Finance  Working Capital Requirements  Project Cash Flows  Capital Budgeting Tools Cost of Capital  Analysis of project risk Economic Life  Project Financing

Social Cost Benefit Analysis
Introduction UNIDO Approach Little Mirrlees Approach

Scheduling and Resource Allocation
Network Techniques : PERT and CPM
Critical Path Method : Crashing
Resource Loading, Resource Leveling

{Project Execution and Control}
Implementation and Control
The Planning Monitoring Controlling Cycle
Earned Value Analysis, Types of control processes, Control System Design

Project Review
Auditing, Audit Life Cycle
Termination Process
Abandonment Analysis 

Text and Reference Books
*      Prasanna Chandra  (2011) Projects  published in New Delhi by Tata McGraw Hill. ISBN:
*      K. Nagarajan (2010) Project Management, published in New Delhi  by New Age Publishing House. ISBN 9788122433241
*      Sam Mantel and Fredericks, Project Management: A Managerial Approach, Wiley Publishing

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Relational Database Management System and Lab

Course Content
Data and Database Management System, the Database Life Cycle, the Relational Model,  Codd's Rules.
ER Model: Entities, Relationship, Attributes, Degree of Relationship connectivity, attributes of a relationship.
Concepts of Generalization, Specialization & Aggregation.
Concepts of FD, MVD and JD, Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key
Normalisation: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF & BC/NF Denormalization.

Relational Algebra & Calculus.
Transforming the Conceptual Data Model to SQL
Storage using RAID architecture.
B-tree and B+-tree Index Files.

Measures of Query Cost & overview of query evaluation.
Transaction concept, ACID property, Serializability.

Types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DQL & DCL.
Tables: create, alter, drop.
View: creating view, Data query and manipulation with view
Testing for NULL and when not to use NULL.
Aggregate Functions: Count(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN().

Select Statement, Subquaries, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operation.
Joins: Natural join, Self join, outer join and Cartesian product.
Data security: GRANT and REVOKE.                       

Text and Reference Books
*      Toby Teory et al., Database Modelling and Design, Morgan Kaufman Publishers
*      Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan - Database System Concepts, McGrawHill
*      Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon - SQL A Complete Reference, TMH.

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Interpersonal Skills and Working in Teams

Course Content

Understanding the process of communication, how it happens, barriers to communication, elements of communication. how to become a good listener, and good orator . case study, and presentations

What is conflict, its sources, positive and negatives of conflict, the development and evolution of conflict. conflict resolution , its tools and techniques, its benefit and its application in team work

Types of leadership, how to become a good leader, from follower to leader.

How does active and passive leadership dynamics help a team work. case studies on leadership.

practical work for its development

Text and Reference Books
*      Research publications
*      Books on communication
*      HBR

Semester IV                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Human Resource Management

Course Content
Human Resource Management
-Introduction & Importance
- Evolution of Human Resource Management
- Difference between Personnel Management & Human Resource Management
- HRM functions and objectives
- Organization of the HR Department

            Human Resource Planning
-           Concept & Definition , Nature, Importance
-           Factors affecting HRP
-           The Process of Human Resource Planning 
-           Requisites of Successful HRP, Barriers to HRP

          Job Analysis
       * Job Description
       * Job Evaluation
          Brief idea about
-           Job enlargement
-           Job enrichment
-           Job Rotation

Recruitment and selection process
Purpose and importance of recruitment
Recruitment process
Selection process
Barriers to effective selection

Performance appraisal
Definition & Importance
Methods of Performance Appraisal
New concepts in Human Resource Management
5 S
Quality circles
Six Sigma                                                                                                       

Text and Reference Books
*      Human Resource Management – Gary Dessler
*      Human resource Management – Mirza&Saiyadin
*      Managing Human Resource – ArunMonapa
*      Human Resource Management – Anjali Ghnekar
*      Human resource Management- K Aswathapa

Semester V

Subjects –
1)    Project Report  & Presentation
2)    Elective I
3)    Elective II
4)    Elective III
5)    Elective IV
6)    Elective  V
7)    Elective VI
8)    Elective VII

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Advertising and Promotion Management
Course Content
Introduction to Advertising: Concept of Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication, Classification of advertising, Advertising – Definition; participants in advertising process: advertiser, advertising agency, media, research suppliers, Role of Ad agencies and other marketing communication agencies in organizing for advertising and promotion, Consumer Behavior,

Consumer Learning Process, Approaches to consumer behavior,  Communication Process, Model of Communication, Source, message and channel factors, Establishing objectives and budgeting, sales vs communication objectives,

DAGMAR, establishing and allocating advertising budget, Planning and executing an advertising campaign: Creative strategy – planning, development, implementation and evaluation;

Creative Strategy: Positioning strategy, Creative approaches, Creative style, Mood and appeal of the message, The Big Idea, Elements of the message Copy. Appeal of the message, Comparative

Advertising. The Advertising. Agency, Agency structure, Flow of work in an Agency, Agency Compensation, Client Agency relationship

Media Strategy: Types of media, Media characteristics,

Media Objective, Evaluation of Media, Media Measurement in India, Media selection and scheduling, Media Buying; media planning and strategy, evaluation of broadcast media, print media Testing

Advertising Effectiveness: Communication and sales Effectiveness, Various methods of Pre & Post testing.
Other Tools of Promotion: Public Relations, Direct marketing, Sales Promotion, Merchandising, Event Marketing, Promotion Management and Integrated

Marketing Communications: Integrating Advertising and sales promotion; Integrating advertising and publicity; Integrating advertising and public relations; Integrating advertising and direct marketing, Economic

Social and Ethical issues in Advertising, Advertising Regulation, Role of ASCI and other regulatory bodies;

Business Strategy and Promotion Management, evaluating the social, ethical and economic aspects of advertising and promotion

Text and Reference Books

*      Advertising Management: Aaker David, Myers and Batra, Prentice Hall
*      Advertising and Promotion, 7e: George E Belch, Michael E Belch and Keyoor Purani; McGraw Hill Higher Education
*      Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies and Styles, Allan J. Kimmel Oxford University Press
*      Advertising: Principles & Practices Moriarty. S  & Mitchell, Prentice Hall

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Banking Practices
Course Content
1.         Evolution of Banking and Indian Banking System.
2.         Functions and role of RBI, NABARD, SIDBI
3.         Functions of banks, Regulatory provisions/enactments governing banks.- N.I Act.
4.         Banking Reforms:
a.         Narsimham Committee Reports
b.         Basel - I & II
c.         Risk Assessment and Risk Management.
d.         Banking Codes and Standard Boards.
e.         Banking Ombudsman scheme.

Deposit accounts.
a          Various type of Customers (Minor, Blind, illiterate,           
       pardanashin, etc.)
b.         Various types of Time and Demand Liabilities.
c.         Type of Customer relations
d.         Know your Customer (KYC) guidelines
e.         Door Step Banking
f.          Financial inclusions – Business correspondents and Business facilitators.
5.         Bank’s Lending
a.         Credit Information Bureau Ltd
b.         Principles of lending
c.         Credit Appraisal Techniques.
d.         various credit Products / Facilities
i.          Retail lending products
ii.         Agricultural lending
iii.        MSME
iv.        Corporate Finance
v.         Infrastructure Lending.
vi.        Bridge loan

1.         Credit monitoring, NPA Management
a.         Rehabilitation of sick unites
b.         Sécurisation Act.
c.         BIFR, ARCS, DRT, DRAT, etc
2.         Electronic Banking and Fund transfer
a.         Core Banking solutions
b.         Local clearing operations, Draft, MT, TT, etc.
c.         EFT, RTGS, SWIFT, etc
3.         Other Services and Non Fund Business of Commercial Banks
4.         Introduction to foreign Exchange. – An introduction only
5.         Inspection System of Commercial Banks                       

Text and Reference Books

*      Banking Law and Practice in India – By M.L.Tannan – Thacker & Co. Ltd, Mumbai ISBN 9788180386343
*      Banking Development in India – 1947 to 2007 By Niti Bhasin – ISBN- 8177081136
*      Banking Risk Management and Audit By S. N. Bidani – ISBN
*      Indian Financial System and Development .   Publisher Himaliyan Books    EAN 9788183189057
*      Banking Theory Law and Practice – Dr. S Gurusamy

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Human Resource Planning
Course Content
Human Resource Planning – Introduction, Definition, Objectives, HRP Model, Process of Human Resource Planning, Importance of HRP; Perspectives of HRP, Changes in attitudes of people, Significance of HRP, Significance of HRP,

Organization Strategy – Strategic Planning – Human Resource Planning –manpower inventory,

Macro Manpower Planning; Econometric model for National Manpower Planning. Micro Manpower Planning; Talent management, Career planning
Career Systems, linking HR plans with strategic plans
Forecasting methods for demand and supply of human resources
Job Analysis: concept, process, Methods of job analysis
Job Description, Job Specification; Uses and Issues in

Job analysis, Competency framework, Job design, approaches to job design, job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, Employee Competency Framework

Executive Resources Planning, Succession Planning,
Training and Development of Human resources for better utilization; role of appraisal system in HRP; Human Resource Information systems

Text and Reference Books
*      Arthur, M. (1991), Career Theory Handbook, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
*      Manpower Management - R. S. Dwivedi
*      Manpower Planning and Control - Gorden and Mcbeath
*      Manpower Planning Strategy and Techniques - Edward Leek, LoveridgeLumbey and Morgan Silver
*      Geometry of HR – S Sadri, S Jayashree, M Ajaonkar – Himalaya Publishing House
*      Mabey, C. and Salama, G, (1995), strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell, Oxford
*      Greenhaus, J.H. (1987), Career Management, Dryden, New York
*      Thomson, R and Mabey, C, (1994), Developing Human Resource, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
Course Content
Industrial relations
Meaning, Objectives , Concept and scope, Conditions for congenial IR

Trade Unions
Meaning of Trade Union, The Trade Inions Act of 1926: Objective scope & coverage,
Definition of Trade Unions, Registration , Registered vs recognized Trade Union, Obligations &Rights  of Registered Trade Union, Why do workers join Trade Union, Functions & Role of Trade Unions, Objectives of Trade Unions, Unions Structure and pattern in India, Problems of Trade Union in India

Industrial Conflict
Definition  of Disputes, conflict, causes,  Types- strikes, lockouts, Consequences of industrial conflict, Prevention, Prevention and settlement of Industrial Disputes & conflicts         
Joint Consultations – Works committee a
and Joint Management Councils
a) Grievance Procedure–  Need for grievance procedure , Model grievance procedure
b) Discipline & Disciplinary  action
Need , meaning, Code of discipline, Disciplinary Procedure
c) Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act 1946- A very brief overview of the Act and how it helps to prevent Industrial disputes
d) Welfare Officers

Settlement of Disputes
a) Collective Bargaining
Definition, Characteristics
Forms & scope of Collective Bargaining, Pre requisites for Collective Bargaining
The Process
b) Other Settlement machineries – Arbitration, Conciliation, Adjudication (Brief Overview)
c) Industrial Disputes Act- Main provisions

Text and Reference Books

*      Collective Bargaining  & the Indian Science – SK Tandon
*      Exploring Participation – John Wiley & Sons
*      Personnel Management & Industrial Relation – Kumar Surinder&PadhyPrasantha.
*      Bare Acts- Universal Book Depot – with latest amendments- Industrial Disputes Act  1948, Trade Unions Act 1926, Factories’ Act 1948, Industrial mployment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
*      Mamoria, Dr. C. B and Mamoria,Dr.S, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House
*      Jha, S. C, Indian Trade Unions Movement, K L  Mukhopadhyay
*      Basu, Dr. J N, Industrial Relations, Thackes Spink
*      Nair, N G and Nair, Lata, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, S Chand and Co.
*      P. R. N sinha, I. B. Sinha and S P S. Shekhar, Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislations
*      Ratnam, C S Venkata, Industrial Relations, Oxford University Press
*      Sinha, G P and Sinha P R L, Industrial Relations and Labour Legislations, Oxford and IBH Company
*      Sharma, A M, Industrial Relations: Conceptual and Legal Framework, Himalaya Publishing House.

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

International Finance
Course Content

International Finance Meaning, Foreign Exchange Markets, Exchange Rate Determination in spot Market, Factors influencing exchange rates determination, Exchange Rate Theories Mint Parity

Theory, Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Balance of Payment Modern Theory, fixed versus flexible exchange rate,  Arbitage and Hedging 

International monetary System past present and future; Gold Standard,  Rise of Bretton Wood system, Collapse of Bretton Wood system present

International monetary System, International Currency Market Optimum currency area and European Experience,  Euro currency market, Euro bond market, 

Financial Crisis in emerging market economics, Asian crisis, , International Financial System

Balance of Payment (BOP), definition, Accounting concepts, Difference and adverseness between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment, Measures to correct this, Structure of BOP, Does BoP always balance,

Cause of Disequilibrium in BOP, Method of correcting disequilibrium, open economy identities and foreign trade or export multiplier, devaluation, Elasticity and absorption approach to BOP,

Marhall learner condition, J curve effect, effect of devaluation, Mundel- Fleming Model.

Text and Reference Books
*      Krugman, R. Paul and Obstfeld Maurice, “ International Economics,
*      Theory and Policy” World Student Series Publishers
*      Pilbeam Keith , “International Finance” Macmillan Publishers, 2010
*      Salvatore Dominick, “ International Economics” , Wiley Student Edition, 2010

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Advanced Cost Management
Course Content
Cost Management vs. Cost Accounting 
Objectives of the firm- Residual Owner Concept
What is strategy?, Strategic Decision Making , Management Accountant’s Role in Implementing Strategy, Cost Behaviour and Determination (Focus on Linear Cost Functions)

Cost Functions – Definition, Assumptions, Examples, Cost Object, Cost Drivers
Cost Classification Criteria, Cause and Effect Relationship in choosing cost drivers

Cost Estimation Methods:                             Industrial Engineering Method, Conference Method Account Analysis Method

Quantitative Analysis Method
(High- Low and Regression Analysis Methods), Evaluating Cost Drivers of the Estimated Cost Function

Non Linearity and Cost Functions (Outline only), Learning Curves (Outline only)

Decision Making and Relevant Information, The Decision Process
Relevance – Relevant Costs and Revenues
Limitations of Relevant Cost Analysis

In-sourcing versus Outsourcing, Make vs Buy Decisions

Opportunity Costs. Outsourcing and Capacity Constraints, Irrelevance of Past Costs and Equipment Replacement Decisions

Transfer Pricing (Overview only)
What is Transfer Pricing? Selection of Transfer Pricing Method, Importance of Transfer Pricing, Activity Based Costing(ABC)
Pricing Decisions and Cost management
Major Influences on Pricing Decisions

Costing and Pricing for the Short Run/ Long Run, Target Costing for Target Pricing

Cost Plus Pricing, Cost Plus Pricing vs Target Pricing , Considerations other than Cost in Pricing

What is ABC?
The issue of cost smoothing, Refining a costing system , Activity Based Costing Systems, Using ABC Systems for Improving Cost Management and Profitability, Implementing ABC Systems
Activity Based Costing and Cost Functions

Inventory Management, Definition, Costs Associated with Inventory , Economic Order Quantity Decision Model, Safety Stock , Just In Time Purchasing (JIT), Relevant Benefits and Relevant Costs of JIT Purchasing

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Financial Benefits of JIT Purchasing
Backflush Costing (Outline only)

Process Costing
Introduction and Meaning, Features of Process Costing, Job Costing and Process Costing

Advantages and Limitations of Process Costing
Procedure of Maintaining Process Cost Accounts
Equivalent Production, Joint Products and By Products

Method of Assigning Joint Costs
Quality, Time and the Theory of Constraints
(Overview only), What is quality?, Quality as a competitive tool, Costs of Quality (COQ), Techniques used to analyze Quality, Time as a Competitive Tool, Time Drivers and Costs of Time, Theory of Constraints

Text and Reference Books
*       Horngren, Datar, Foster, Rajan, Ittner (2009)  Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis 13/e published in New Delhi by Pearson Education India.

*      J.K.Mitra  (2009) Advanced Cost Accounting for M.Com., I.C.W.A, C.A., C.F.A., B.B.A., M.B.A., CAIIB and other professional examinations published in New Delhi by New Age Internationa

*      Eldenberg, Wolcott  (2009) Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring and Motivating Performance , published in New Delhi by Wiley India (P) Ltd

*      M Y Khan and P K Jain, (2009)  Management Accounting, Text, Problems and Cases  5/e  published in New Delhi by McGraw Hill Publications
Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03

Service Marketing
Course Content

Defining services; Reasons for growth in service sector- role, importance and emergence of services sectors in an economy; Services: The Indian
scenario; Characteristics of Services –
 Difference between product and Service; Classification of services. Service Triangle;

Introduction to Service Marketing: Service

Marketing Mix. Physical evidence of service; Segmentation, Targeting and positioning. Marketing Challenges of Service.

Services Encounters, Service Blueprinting, Flower of service.

Service life cycle. Stages of new service development. Delivering Quality of service: Service Gap model.

SERVQUAL, Deming’s PDCA cycle, Service Benchmarking. Service Strategy.

Marketing of various Services / Sectors: Marketing of Financial Services, Marketing of Tourism &

Hospitality Services, Marketing of Health Services, Marketing of Educational & Professional Services.

Text and Reference Books
*      Lovelock, C. (2003). Services Marketing: People Technology, Strategy 5/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
*      Zeithaml, V. and Bitner, M. (2011) Services Marketing, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, New York.
*      V. Venugopal and Raghu V. N. Services Marketing , HPH , ISBN: 9788183189361

Semester V                                                                                                      Credits - 03
Consumer Behavior
Course Content

Defining Consumer Behaviour, its Significance,
Application of Knowledge of Consumer Behaviour
Consumers & Market Segmentation,
Benefits/ Limitations of Segmentation
Product Positioning
Environmental Influences on Consumer Behaviour –Culture, Sub-culture & Social Class
Social Groups & Family
Personal Innovation & Diffusion of Innovation

Personality Theories & Applications
Psychographics & Self Concept
Nature & Role of Motives & its Classification
Motive Arousal & Structuring
Motivation Research
Information Processing
Learning & its classification, Additional Consumer Learning Topics, Memory
Attitude, its characteristics, Functions, Strategies for changing attitudes

Consumer decision & its kinds
Consumer decision Process Model
Marketing Implication of Problem Recognition
Search & Evaluation
Purchasing Processes
Post purchase behavior
Modeling & Researching Consumer Behaviour,
Organizational buying behavior

Text and Reference Books
*      Loudon, David L. and Bitta, AJD (2009), Consumer behavior : Concepts and Applications, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill Book Company
*      Schiffman L & Kanuk (2003), Consumer Behaviour,  New York, Prentice Hall
*      Kumar, S. Ramesh (Prof.) (2003), Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behaviour: The Indian  Context, Delhi, Pearson Education Pte. Ltd.
*      Sternthal, B. and Craig, CS 1982), Consumer behavior : an information processing   perspective, New Jersey,  Prentice Hall
*      Wallendorf, M. and Zaltman (1979), Readings in consumer behavior : Individuals, groups, and  organizations, New York, John Wiley & Sons
*      Zaltman, G. and Wallendorf  M (1983), Consumer behavior : Basic findings and management implications-2nd ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons

Semester VI
Subject –
1)      Supply chain management
2)      Operations Research
3)      Environment & management
4)      Business Ethics
5)      Entrepreneurship Development
6)      Creativity and innovation
7)      Corporate Finance
8)      Industry Project

Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Entrepreneurship Development

Course Content

Entrepreneurs – Definition and Concepts – Entrepreneurial skills & competencies, Characteristics of entrepreneurs, woman entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur  vis-à-vis Professional Manager, Intrapreneurs - Functions of entrepreneurs, role of entrepreneurs – The Entrepreneurial Culture

Entrepreneurship- concepts- Phases of entrepreneurship- entrepreneurship and economic growth – barriers to entrepreneurship, the theories of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Development – entrepreneurship environment – approaches to entrepreneurship development – ED Process – EDP-

The process of setting up small scale enterprise - Support Institutions/ organisations promoting / funding for entrepreneurship development – NIESBUD, EDII,MDI, STEPS, SIDBI, NABARD –Specialised Training Institutes – entrepreneurial Marketing – Entrepreneurial Strategies


Text and Reference Books
*      Roy Rajeev, Entrepreneurship. Oxford University Press,
*      Desai Vasant, Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development and Management. Himalaya Publishing House HPH
*      Baporikar Neeta, Entrepreneurship Development & Project Management- Text and Cases. Himalaya Publishing House
*      Mohanty, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship development. Prentice Hall of India
*      Khanka S.S. , Entrepreneurship Development

Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03
Business Ethics
Course Content

Ethics in Business: An Introduction
Issues and Challenges in Business Ethics

Ethical Principles in Business – 
Utilitarianism, Justice and Fairness, The Ethics of Care
Business System: Government, Markets and International Trade

Free Markets and Rights – John Locke, Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx

Ethics in the Marketplace: An Introduction
Perfect Competition
Monopolistic Competition
Oligopolistic Competition
Oligopolies and Public Policy
Business Ethics and the Environment
Dimensions of Pollution and Resource Depletion
Consumer Production & Marketing
Ethics of Job Discrimination
Individual and the Organization

Text and Reference Books
*      Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases
By- Manuel Valesquez
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi-110015

Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Creativity and Innovation (Syllabus)

Course Content

 Concept of Creativity, Definition, Creativity Vs. Intelligence, Creative abilities, Determinants of Creativity, The Creative Process , Major Blocks to Creativity

The Creative Process:- The creative outcomes, creative problem solving, problem structuring, convergent and divergent thinking.

Personality, Motivation and Creativity- Model of Creative Personality, Traits congenial to Creativity, Motivation and Creativity, Blocks to Creativity.

Techniques of creative problem solving : Brainstorming, Attribute Listing, Checklist of Questions, Synectics.

The Creative Environment: Environment conducive to creativity, Formative Environment  and Creativity, Facets of Environment that Stimulate Creativity

 The Creative Organization: Forces that stimulate organizational innovativeness, Designs of an innovative organization.
Management of Innovation: Nature of Innovation, Technological innovations, Management innovations, Innovative social programmes, Innovative entrepreneurship, Agents of Innovation.

Text and Reference Books
*       Kobayashi S, 1971. Creative Management. New York: American Management
*      Association,
*       Perters. T J Waterman, R H. 1982 . In Search Of Excellence. London: Harper &Row 1982
*       Shapero A. 1985. Managing Professional People. New York : Free Press.
*       Fourth Eye : Excellence through Creativity by Pradip N. Khandwalla, Wheeler
*      Publishing, New Delhi.
*       Innovation and Creativity: Psychological and Organizational Strategies by West Michael A and Chichester, James L (eds) New York: Wiley
*       Handbook of Creativity by Steinberg, Robert (ed) Cambridge University Press.

Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Environment and Management

Course Content

Natural Environment and its impact on Business Operations – Environmental Management: and Sustainability of Business Operations; Managing Natural Resources – Importance – Water, Land; Forest & Biodiversity Management: Ecosystem Concepts; Pollution - Air, Water, Land Pollution, Water Resources; Dams and their role; Forest products and Trade, Energy Management: Fundamentals -Fossil Fuels use. Energy production and trade, Energy Balance; Alternative Energy sources and technology; Waste Management; Trade in Wastes;  Industrial Ecology and Recycling Industry; Regulatory Mechanisms; Environmental Management System: EMS Standards, ISO 14000; WTO Provisions
Cases: Ganga action plan, Taj Mahal; New Delhi City Bus Services; Deforestation of Lower Himalayas, Pollution on Mt. Everest,
Laws and regulations related to environment;

Environmental Policy of Government of India
Global Warming – Problem, Implications, Concept of Carbon Credit, Role of Government and Non-Government Agencies & Businesses; Climate Change and Business Responses;

Disaster management – Concept, causes and consequences, disaster mitigation
Current Environmental Issues and business practices
Cases: Recent Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and impact on Japanese Businesses; A case study of Narmada Bachav Andolan; Anti-Nuclear Power Agitations, Bhopal Gas Disaster; Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, Lavasa Project, Handling Hazardous Substances – A case study of Jhaduguda; etc
Sustainability Management – Triple Bottom Line – Sustainability Reporting – Sustainability thinking in Indian Businesses – Sustainable Development and Gandhian Thought –Sustainability as a Business Strategy-
Cases: ITC Bhadrachalam Paper Mills; ITC Wealth from Waste (WOW) Project; Pepsi PET Bottles;; Pokhran, Thermal Power Projects, Mining open coal mining at Bihar/Bengal. Marble mining at Jaipur Ground water: Arsenic poisoning in W. Bengal.  Oil spills in Bombay High; Controversy in KG Basin Gas Usage

Text and Reference Books
*      Uberoi,N K Environmental Management. Excel Books, A-45. Naraina Phase-1, New Delhi, 2000
*      Pandey.G.N.; Environmental Management. Vikas Publishing House New Delhi.1997
*      Gupta. N. Dass: Environmental Accounting. Wheeler Publishing, 19, K G Marg. New Delhi 1997
*      Mohanty. S.K.: Environment 8 Pollution Law Manual. Universal Law Publishing. G.T. Karnal Road. New Delhi, 1996
*      Harley.Nick Environmental Economics. MacMillan India Lid., Ansari Road, New Delhi 1997
*      Kolstad Chartes D: Environmental Economics, Oxford University Press, 2000

Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Operation Research
Course Content

Linear Programming I: Formulations and Graphic Solutions:
Linear Programming II: Simplex Method, Solution to Maximization Problem, Solution to Minimization Problem, Big-M method
Unique solutions, Multiple Optimal Solutions, Infeasibility, Unboundedness, Degeneracy
Linear Programming III (Duality and Sensitivity Analysis), Duality in LPP, Economic interpretations of dual, Sensitivity Analysis, Coefficients of Objective functions (Cj), Changes in the constraints limits (bi values), Transport and Transhipment Problems, Problem statement, Solution to the Transport Problem, Initial Solutions with NWC rule, Initial Solutions with Least Cost method, Initial Solutions using VAM method, Finding Optimal Solution using MODI, Unbalanced Transportation Problem, Prohibited Routes, Unique vs Multiple Optimal solutions, Degeneracy, Maximization Problem, Dual of the Transportation Problem, Production Scheduling and Inventory Control as a Transportation Problem, Transhipment Problem, Assignment Problem, Problem statement, Different possible methods of solutions to the Assignment Problem, Hungarian Assignment Method (HAM), Special Cases, Unbalanced Assignment Problems, Constrained Assignment Problems, Unique vs Multiple Optimal solutions, Solving Maximization problem using HAM

Introduction to Integer Programming, Pure and Mixed integer programming Problem (Definition only), Zero-one model and the assignment problem, Integer Programming solution space, Branch and Bound Method, Defining a Travelling Salesman Problem.

Sequencing: The sequencing problem and the assumptions, Solutions to sequencing Problems, Gantt Charts, Algorithms for solving Sequencing Problems (Johnson’s rule), Processing n jobs through 3 machines, Processing n jobs through k machines, Processing 2 jobs with k machines with different order of processing for the 2 jobs, Maintenance Crew Scheduling- An applications

Inventory Management:  Introduction, types of inventory and inventory decisions and inventory costs, Inventory management systems, Fixed Order Quantity System, The Classical EOQ model, EOQ with price breaks, EoQ models for production runs, Inventory Models with Planned shortages, Safety Stock,
Demand during lead time (DDLT) distribution, Periodic review system, Ss system, One time model of Inventory Management, Selective approaches to Inventory Control (ABC, VED, HML, SDE, S-OS, FSN, XYZ)

Queuing Theory: Introduction, General structure of queuing systems,     Operating Characteristics of queuing systems, Queuing Models , Deterministic Queuing Models, Probabilistic Queuing Models (Poisson – Exponential  single server model – Infinite Population), Cost Analysis

Covered on Discussion Mode (only one session each) - PERT and CPM, Decision Theory, Game Theory

Text and Reference Books
*      Quantitative Techniques in Management by N. D. Vohra, 4th edition , Mc Graw Hill, 2010
*      Operations Theory and Applications by J K Sharma, 4th edition, Macmillan, 2010
Semester VI                                                                                                    Credits - 03

Supply Chain Management
Course Content

Understanding the supply chain: Supply Chain – introduction, Flows in supply chain (cash, value and information) decision phases in supply chain, process view of supply chain; supply chain drivers and obstacles. Role of information technology in supply chain; supply chain information technology network;

Decisions in designing Supply Chain Network, Role of distribution in supply chain; factors influencing distribution in network design; Purchasing & Vendor management: Centralized and Decentralized purchasing, functions of purchase department and purchase policies.

Use of mathematical model for vendor rating / evaluation, single vendor concept, management of stores, accounting for materials.

Planning  supply chain and Transporting , Role of supply inventory in supply chain, Measuring product availability in supply chain; Measuring cycle availability,

Evaluating cycle service level and fill rate and safety inventory, Role of transportation in supply chain; Factors affecting transporting decisions, Mode of transportation

Text and Reference Books
*      Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management – Strategy, Planning and Operation, Pearson/PHI.
*      Coyle, Bardi, Longley, The management of Business Logistics – A Supply Chain Perspective, Thomson Press
*      Raghuram G.  - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Macmillan)
*      Agarwal D.K. - A Text Book of Logistics and Supply chain management (Macmillan)

Semester VII
1)    Analysis and decision making
2)    Organisational Development and Change
3)    Management Control System
4)    Business Process re-engineering
5)    Organisational development
6)    Strategic Management
7)    Financial statement analysis
8)    Corporate finance
Computing Tools for Decision Making

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03

Organizational Development and Change
Course Content

The Field of OD- Organizational turnaround and transformation, Extent of application
OD Values and assumptions: models and theories of Planned Change

Managing the OD process- diagnosis, action research, action component
Classification of interventions - Person focused, Role focused and Team focused interventions

Team interventions- Diagnostic meeting, Team building meeting, process, consultation,       interventions, techniques and exercises of team building 
Inter group team building intervention, third party peace-making intervention, organization
mirror intervention, partnering
Comprehensive OD interventions- Strategic Management activities and real time strategic
change, stream analysis and survey feedback.

Text and Reference Books
*        French WL, and CH Bell,OD: Behavioral Science intervention for Organizational Improvement,New Delhi, New Prentice Hall of India,
*       Bennis, WA,OD Its Nature Objects and Prospects, reading, MA: Addison, Wesley
*       Blake RR and JS Mouton, The Managerial Grid, Houston, Gulf publishing
*       BurkeWW, OD, Principles and Practices
*       Ramnarayan S and TV Rao and Kuldeep Singh, OD Interventions and Strategies, Response Books a Division of Sage Publishing

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03

Business Process Re-engineering
Course Content

Conceptual Foundation of Business Process Re-engineering,
Role of Information Technology in Business Process Re-engineering,
Process Improvement And Process Redesign,
Business Process Re-engineering Experiences in Indian Industry.
Process Identification and Mapping ,

Role/ Activity Diagrams for business process re-engineering, Process Visioning and Benchmarking.
Business Process Improvement, Business Process Redesign. Man Management for BPR Implementation, Re- organizing People and Managing Change

Text and Reference Books
*       Jayaram, M.S., etc.  Business Process Re-engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
*       Coulson-Thomas, Business Process Re-engineering: Myth & Reality, Kogan Page
*       Carr and Johansson, Best Practices in Re-engineering, New York, McGraw Hill
*       Champy, James., Re-engineering Management: The Mandate for New Leadership, Harper Collins 

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03

Strategic Management
Course Content
Introduction to Strategic Management-Evolution of the Concept of Strategic Management — Components of Strategic Management — Levels of Strategic Planning — Making Strategic Decisions; Strategic Management Process; Strategic decision-making; Limitations of the Strategic Management Model; Company Mission and Vision Statements: Formulating Mission Statements – Social Responsibility – Stakeholder Approach to Social Responsibility – Guidelines for a Socially Responsible firm
Analyzing the Business Environment: External Environment - Industry Level analysis - Internal Analysis of the Firm –Learning Curve and Experience Curve –Vulnerability Analysis - Strategic Analysis:  The GE nine cells planning Grid – Arthur D. Little Life Cycle Approach – SWOT Analysis – Profit Impact of Market Strategies –Formulating long-term Strategies; Generic Competitive Strategy: Cost Leadership – Differentiation – Focus;  Pitfalls of Generic Strategies; Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage: Defining the Value Chain – The Value Chain and the buyer Value –Competitive Scope and the Value Chain –Value Chain and the Organizational Structure – Different sources of Competitive Advantage for different industries
Principles of Strategy Implementation: Strategy and Structure; Managing Strategic Change: Reengineering, Restructuring, Innovation; Successful Change of Strategy; Establishing Strategic Controls: Premise Control

Implementation Control, Strategic Surveillances, Special Alert Control; Operational Control System: Budgets, Schedules, Key Success Factors – Reward Systems - Crisis Management; Operationalizing the Strategy: Annual Objectives, Linkage to Long-term Objectives, Benefits of Annual Objectives; Developing Functional Strategies;  Differences between Grand and Functional Strategies, Functional Strategies; Business Policies; Management Tools in Strategy:  Benchmarking; Approaches to Benchmarking, Benchmarking Practices Worldwide; Reengineering; Reverse Engineering; Balanced Scorecard
Corporate Restructuring: Forms of Corporate Restructuring: Expansion, Sell-offs, Corporate Control, Changes in Ownership Structure; Organizational Forms: Vertical Structure, Horizontal Structure - Numerator and Denominator Management - Turnaround Management;  Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances; Rationale for Joint Ventures,
Reasons for the Failure of Joint Ventures, International Joint Ventures; Strategic Alliances; Motives for a Strategic Alliance, Types of Strategic Alliances; Making Alliances Work: Partner Selection; Alliance Structure;  Managing the Alliance;  Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Alliance
Mergers & Acquisitions; Historical Perspectives; Rationale; Industry Lifecycle and Merger Types; Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions; Reasons; Diversification and Mergers in a Strategic Long Range Planning Framework; Diversification Planning, Mergers and the Carry-over of Managerial Capabilities; Strategic Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions; Value Creation; Divestitures and Spin Offs; Voluntary Liquidation and Sell-Offs; Motives for Divestiture; Disadvantages of Spin Offs; Equity Carve-Outs; Porter’s Analysis of Divestiture/Acquisitions percentages; Measurement of Effects on Shareholder Values; International Business Environment: The challenges of International Business –MNCs, Characteristics of MNCs, Management of MNCs; The Need for Foreign Direct Investment; Benefits of FDI; Culture and International Business: Hofstede’s Model, Cross Cultural Literacy;  Culture and Competitive Advantage - Political and Country Risk;  International Business Strategies; Strategies for Production, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Financial Management
Challenges for the 21st Century: Global Competitiveness in the New Millennium: Competitive Strengths of Major Industrialized  Countries, What Should be done to Meet the Global Competitive Challenges, What Should Corporations Do, What Should Government Do – Considerations for Strategies in the 21st Century: Corporate Strategy, Ethics, Public Values and Social Responsibility, Global Challenges, Role of the Government, Ecological Challenges, Quality and Productivity, Workforce Diversity, Change, Empowerment – Emergence of a Knowledge Worker – Role of a Knowledge Worker – E-commerce the Central Challenge – The CEO in the New Millennium: Corporate Governance, Approach to Information; Competing for the Future: An Alternative View of Corporate Strategy - Concept of Core Competency –Identifying Core competencies; Views of Krishna Palepu and TarunKhanna.

Text and Reference Books
*       Strategic Management – Strategy Formulation and Implementation by John Pearce & Richard Robinson / AITBS Publication
*       Business Policy and Strategic Management, 6e by Jauch, Gupta and Glueck/ Frank Bros and Co.
*       Strategic Management – An Integrated Approach by Charles Hill & Gareth Jones/ Biztantra
*       Competing for the Future by Prahalad and Hamel/ TMH
*       Making Strategy by Colin Eden & Ackermann / Sage Publications
*       Competitive Advantage of Nations by Michael Porter 
*       Strategy Safari by Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel, Pearson
*       Strategic Management by Dr. P SubbaRao, Himalaya
*       Strategic Management: The Indian Context by R Srinivasan,  Prentice Hall of India

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03
Management Control Systems
Course Content
Fundamentals of Management Control:  Management Control-An Overview; Objectives of Management Control; Schemes for Classifying Management Controls; Contextual Factors Influencing Management Control;  Organization Structure; Responsibility Structure; Designing Control Systems; Control Systems for Empowerment, Innovation, and

Creativity; Strategic Performance Control; Strategy and Control; Information Technology and Systems for Strategic Control; The Balanced Scorecard;  Budget as an Instrument of Control;  Formulation and Administration of Budgets; Types of Budgets; Zero-based Budgeting; Business Performance: Targets, Reporting, and

Analysis: Factors affecting Business performance; Performance Reports; Performance Analysis; Auditing: Categories of Audits; The Auditing Process; Benefits and limitations of Auditing
Transfer Pricing: The Concept of Transfer Pricing; Factors Influencing Transfer Pricing; Methods of Calculating Transfer Prices; Administration of Transfer Prices;

The Indian Perspective; Financial Control of the Enterprise: Financial Controls; Tools of Financial Control; Controlling Assets Employed in the Business; Financial Information Systems and Control; Roles in Financial Control and Accountability; Marketing Control: Types of Marketing Controls; Marketing Audit; Sales Control; Distribution Control; Marketing Communications Control; Marketing Control in Branding; Information Systems for Marketing Control; Management Control of Production and Operations: Control of Production and Operations;.
Management Control of Service Operations: Generic Techniques for Control of Services; Classification of Service Organizations;

Control of Different Categories of Service Organizations; Management Control of Projects: Project Control; Project Overview statement; Project Plan; Organizing for Project Control; Control of Project Execution;

Overall Change Control; Project auditing; Conservation and utilization of resources; Control of Human Resources Management: Human Resource Planning; Control of the HR Functions; Techniques for assessing effectiveness of HRM; The workforce Scorecard; Human Resource Information

Systems for Control;
Implementation of Management Control Systems: Operationalizing a Management Control System; Organizational roles involved in implementation; Challenges in implementation; Impact of Organizational Life Cycle on Control Systems.

Business Ethics and Management Control: Ethical Behavior in Organization; Management Control and Ethical issues in Different Functions; Regulating Ethical Conduct

Production Controls; Operations Controls; Supply Chain Management; Information Systems in Production and Operations Management; Controlling Cost of Operations; Enhancing Organizational Performance; Operational Audit; Safety Audit

Management Control Systems

Text and Reference Books
*       Management Control Systems ByAnthony, Robert N and Vijay Govindarajan, 12e/ Tata McGraw Hill,
*       Management Control Systems - Using Adaptive Systems to Attain Control       Maciariello, Joseph A. and Calvin J. Kirby. Second ed. New Delhi/ Prentice Hall India,
*       Modern Management Control Systems – Text and Cases    Merchant, Kenneth A. Delhi: Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd/ Indian Branch
*       Management Control Systems-2nd Edition
*       An Integrated Approach to Performance and Compliance  The ICFAI University Press
*       Management Information Systems           Post, Gerald V and David L. Anderson/ Tata McGraw Hill,
*       Management Control Systems-Text and Cases       Robert N Anthony & John Deardon/Irwin Inc.
Management Control Systems- Text and Cases      Subash Sharma / TMH

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03
Financial Statement Analysis
Course Content

Users of Financial Reporting
Basic Financial Statements
Balance Sheet
P&L Account
Statement of Cash Flows
Relationship between the same
P&L Account vs Income Statement
Accounting Treatments: India vs the world
Approaches to Financial Statement Analysis
Traditional Approach
Modern Approach
Traditional vs Modern Approach
Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
Comparative Financial Statements
Common Size Financial Statements
Trend Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Horizontal and Vertical Analysis
Focus Area Analysis
Limitations of Financial Statements
Limitations – Historical Cost etc
Financial Window dressing – Definition and Example
Audit Process
Reliability of Auditing

The Nature of Financial Reporting
Types of reports : Quarterly Reports, Annual Reports
Major sections of reporting
Liquidity Analysis
           Operating Cycle of a Business
Profitability Analysis
Capital Structure Analysis
Income Analysis
            Revenue and Expense Recognition
Cash Flow Statement
            Ratio Analysis
Special Situations
            Distress Analysis
            Foreign Transactions and Analysis
            Personal Financial Statements
Forecasting Financial Statements
One Year Projection
Sensitivity Analysis with Projected Financial Statements
Pro-Forma Financial Statements
Multiyear Projections

Text and Reference Books
*       Fridson Martin, Alvarez Fernando   (2010)  Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner’s Guide  Third Edition  published in New Yorki by John Wiley and Sons  ISBN 9783642108341

*       Sinha Gokul  (2009)  Financial Statement Analysis    published in New Delhi  by PHI Learning Pvt Ltd . ISBN 978812033717-6

*       Woelfel Charles (2011 Reprint), Financial Statement Analysis: The Investor's Self-Study to Interpreting & Analyzing Financial Statements, Revised Edition, Published in New Delhi by McGraw Hill Publications,  ISBN: 9781557385321.

*       Bhattacharya  Debarshi(2011)  Financial Statement Analysis, published in New Delhi by Pearson Education South Asia  , ISBN: 978813175504-4

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03
Corporate Finance
Course Content
Financial Goals and Firms Mission and Objectives
Introduction to Corporate Finance
Current Developments
Links between Financial Management and Corporate Finance

Sources of Long Term Finance
Equity Capital and Preference Capital
Debenture Capital
Term Loans and Deferred Credits
Government Subsidies

Working Capital Finance: Inventory Management
Nature of Inventories
Inventory Control Systems
Inventory Management Process

Working Capital Finance: Cash Management
Need for Cash Management
Cash Planning

Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models
Calculation of Portfolio Return
Minimum Variance Portfolio
Introduction to CAPM
Introduction to APT

Cost of Capital
Introduction, Significance
Cost of Debt
Cost of Equity
Cost of Equity and CAPM (Introduction)

Capital Structure Theory and Policy
Pecking Order Theory
Capital Structure Planning and Policy
MM Hypothesis (Brief Introduction)

Dividend Theory and Policy
Objectives of Dividend Policy
Forms of Dividends
Buyback of Shares
Dividend Relevance and Irrelevance
Practical Considerations

Introduction to Derivatives
Options – Puts, Calls etc
Options Market in India

Text and Reference Books
*       I.M. Pandey (2010) Financial Management, published in Noida  by Vikas Publishing House. ISBN 9788125937142
*       Jeffrey Jaffe, Randolph Westerfield, Ross (2009), 7th ed,  Corporate Finance, published in New Delhi by Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 978007059788-4
*       Khan & Jain (2010) Financial Management, published in New Delhi by McGraw Hill Publications  ISBN:
*       Prasanna Chandra (2010) Financial Management published in New Delhi by Tata McGraw Hill. ISBN:
*       Van Horne, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Prentice Hall.
*       Vishwanath S.R. (2010 Reprint)  2nd Ed, Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice,  Published in New Delhi by Response Books (division of Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd), ISBN: 978076193497-4

Semester VII                                                                                                   Credits - 03
Computing Tools for Decision Making
Course Content
Financial Goals and Firms Mission and Objectives
Introduction to Corporate Finance
Current Developments
Links between Financial Management and Corporate Finance
Sources of Long Term Finance
Equity Capital and Preference Capital
Debenture Capital
Term Loans and Deferred Credits
Government Subsidies
Working Capital Finance: Inventory Management
Nature of Inventories
Inventory Control Systems
Inventory Management Process

Working Capital Finance: Cash Management
Need for Cash Management
Cash Planning

Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models
Calculation of Portfolio Return
Minimum Variance Portfolio
Introduction to CAPM
Introduction to APT

Cost of Capital
Introduction, Significance
Cost of Debt
Cost of Equity
Cost of Equity and CAPM (Introduction)

Capital Structure Theory and Policy
Pecking Order Theory
Capital Structure Planning and Policy
MM Hypothesis (Brief Introduction)

Dividend Theory and Policy
Objectives of Dividend Policy
Forms of Dividends
Buyback of Shares
Dividend Relevance and Irrelevance
Practical Considerations
Introduction to Derivatives
Options – Puts, Calls etc
Options Market in India

Text and Reference Books
*       Guerrero Hector   (2010) Excel Data Analysis: Modeling and Simulation published in New Yorki by Springer. ISBN 9783642108341

*       Albright, Winston, Zappe (2011)  Data Analysis and Decision Making  4/e published in Mason, OH  by Cengage Learing . ISBN 978053847610-2

*       Richard Shepherd (2009) 2nd ed  Excel 2007 VBA Macro Programming , published in New Delhi by McGraw Hill (P) Ltd , ISBN: 9780071627009

Semester VII                                                                                                              Credits - 03
Analysis and Decision Making
Course Content
Decision-Making: Importance
Decision Making Process
Single criterion vs. multiple criteria,  finite number of alternatives vs. infinite
number of alternatives.
Traditional approaches to decision-making; Decision making under certainty; Introduction to decision-making under uncertainty; decision tree; Elementary methods
Managerial Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty
Conjoint analysis
Paired comparison analysis
The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model
Grid Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Group-aided decisions; Brain storming; reverse brain storming. Other types of brain storming.
Creativity - creative problem solving.
Six hat analysis

The ladder of inference
Cost-benefit analysis
Pareto Analysis
Blindspot Analysis-Avoiding common “fatal flaws” in decision making
Linear programming
Monte Carlo Analysis- Bringing uncertainty and risk into forecasting
Reactive Decision Making
Making good decisions under pressure

The Impact of Ethics and Values
The Foursquare Protocol
Learning to manage ethical decisions
What Are Your Values?-Deciding what's most important in life

Spiral Dynamics -Understanding how people's values may affect their decision making
Group Decision Making- Creative methods of decision making.

Text and Reference Books

*      Whatever it Takes: The Realities of Managerial Decision Making (2nd Edition) by Morgan W. McCal
*       Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools (Book and CD) by Robert T. Clemen
*      Value-Focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decision making by Ralph L. Keeney
*      Wharton on Making Decisions -by Robert Gunther
*      Making Choices: A Recasting of Decision Theory by Frederic Schick
*      Whatever it Takes: The Realities of Managerial Decision Making (2nd Edition) by Morgan W. McCal
*        Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools (Book and CD) by Robert T. Clemen
*      Value-Focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decision making by Ralph L. Keeney
*      Wharton on Making Decisions -by Robert Gunther
*      Making Choices: A Recasting of Decision Theory by Frederic Schick


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